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Trích Thiên Kinh Koran: Chương 10, Phần 2/2 Tiết Mục Nhiều Tập Với Các Tiên Đoán Thời Xưa Về Địa Cầu Chúng Ta: Lời Tiên Tri Về Thời Đại Hoàng Kim, Phần 19 - Chương Trình Tri Ân Đặc Biệt Thành Kính Đến Chúa Giê-su Ki-tô, Hoàng Tử Hòa Bình

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In the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ warned His disciples to beware of “many false prophets” who will appear at the time of His return to Earth. “The Kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you.” After experiencing the Kingdom of God inside, all aspects of our lives changed for the better. As the Christians believe, the tribulation period will end and then be followed by “a thousand years” of peace reigned over by Christ.
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