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“Tiết Mục Nhiều Tập Với Các Tiên Đoán Thời Xưa Về Địa Cầu Chúng Ta: Lời Tiên Tri Về Thời Đại Hoàng Kim, Phần 22 – Chương Trình Tri Ân Đặc Biệt Thành Kính Đến Chúa Giê-su Ki-tô, Hoàng Tử Hòa Bình

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“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore." I see peace efforts, I see generous helping hands from all nations and individuals and groups and organizations. I see love growing in different ways. these signs might be still insignificant now, but they are like the spark of fire, that will soon turn to mighty flames, that will cinder past ignorance and hatred, and making new beginning of a nobler and saintlier race on Earth.
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