
플로티노스의 철학- 에네아데스의 두 번째 에네아드 천계의 체계 2부작의 1부

내용 요약
Plotinus (c.AD201/5-270) was a philosopher of the ancient world who is one of the most influential philosophers in antiquity after Plato and Aristotle. In his philosophy there are three principles: the One, the Intellect, and the Soul. The issue of happiness is one of Plotinus' greatest imprints on Western thought, as he is one of the first to introduce the idea that happiness is attainable only within consciousness. Plotinus' final words were: "Try to raise the Divine in yourselves to the Divine in the all." Today, we present to you the excerpts from The Six Enneads.
모든 에피소드 (1/2)