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Prophecy Part 333: Awaken True Love with the Savior to Dissolve Calamity

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“…His garments appeared like a rainbow, thus further increasing His beauty. His entire body shone brilliantly due to the Light reflected from countless jewels. This is how all the demigods, Gandharvas (Heavenly beings), and Apsaras (fairies) saw Lord Kalki.”

We learned from the last episode that in Hinduism, it’s prophecized that in the last stage of the world’s current cycle, the Kali Yuga, Lord Kalki, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, will incarnate on Earth to destroy the evil force and awaken humanity. It’s written in the Hindu scripture, the Vishnu Purana:

“By His irresistible might, He [Lord Kalki] will destroy all the barbarian foreigners and thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to evil. He will reestablish righteousness upon Earth, and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali Age shall be awakened, and shall be as clear as crystal.”

“At that time (when Kali Yuga ends), the Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear on the Earth. Acting with the Power of pure spiritual Goodness, He will defend the Dharma (True Teaching) and rescue the eternal Religion.”

The eternal Religion offers direct contact with one’s God Nature, frees one from the bondage of the physical world, and nourishes the spirit. In the Bhagavata Purana, it’s written that the mystics are able to attain freedom by perceiving a “subtle vibration of transcendental Sound.”

“[The sage] Suta Gosvami said: O brahmaṇa, first the subtle VIBRATION OF TRANSCENDENTAL SOUND appeared from the sky of the heart of the most elevated Lord Brahma, whose mind was perfectly fixed in spiritual realization. One can perceive this subtle vibration when one stops all external hearing.

By worship of this subtle form of the Vedas (Knowledge), O brahmaṇa, mystic sages cleanse their hearts of all contamination caused by impurity of substance, activity and doer, and thus they attain freedom from repeated birth and death.”

Contemplating the inner Heavenly Light and inner Heavenly Sound is the Quan Yin Method of meditation that Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) has been transmitting to the world for decades. It is a method that people of all races and cultures can practice. When all people realize their inner loving God Nature through direct contact, the eternal Religion is established.

“The Bible says, ‘in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ And Hinduism also says the same thing: this vibration is God. So, in order to find God, we have to get in touch with this Word or so-called vibration. That is the basis of the Quan Yin Method. Quan means contemplate, Yin means the Sound. We will contemplate on the (inner Heavenly) Sound. Now, once the contact is established with this (inner Heavenly) Sound, it is audible without ears.”

“Just like water can cleanse your body, the (inner Heavenly) Sound can purify the spirit. It filters the negative influence that sometimes enters your being, your magnetic field, by contact with the world or the contaminated situation, or that you inherited from the situation or environment, or a past-life leftover. Our minds are contaminated by bad thoughts, by negative thinking. And if you continue using the (inner Heavenly) Sound at the higher vibration, it will eliminate the lower vibration. We feel better and better, and purer and purer every day.

More simple! The proof is that you don't want anymore fame. You don't really feel more attached to the worldly, material comfort. You do have it, and you do know how to take care of yourself, but it doesn't bind you like before. See, this is the way the (inner Heavenly) Sound cleanses us and makes us feel more and more pure and liberated.”

According to the Bhagavata Purana, in the age of Kali, humans lose their virtuous qualities and can no longer reach spiritual perfection through their own efforts. Fortunately, the Almighty Supreme Personality of Godhead brings purification and redemption to those with sincere and humble hearts.

“By one’s engaging in the processes of demigod worship, austerities, breath control, compassion, bathing in holy places, strict vows, charity and chanting of various mantras, one’s mind cannot attain the same absolute purification as that achieved when the unlimited Personality of Godhead appears within one’s heart.”

“…if he utters the holy name of the Supreme Lord, he can be freed from the reaction of his fruitive work and achieve the supreme destination. But still people in the Age of Kali will not worship the Supreme Lord.”

“If a person hears about, glorifies, meditates upon, worships or simply offers great respect to the Supreme Lord, who is situated within the heart, the Lord will remove from his mind the contamination accumulated during many thousands of lifetimes.”

“Many monks who have helped me, or who have loved me and somehow accepted me at some time during my life, also all went to Tim Qo Tu’s New Realm, my New Realm. And many people in the world who have helped me in any way, or with their loving heart, all go to Tim Qo Tu’s New Realm after they die. I’m very happy to tell you this. Because these are pure-hearted people, and pure-hearted people will go to my Realm, whether they are officially my disciples or not. They just need a pure heart. And anyone who even says my name one time or remembers me with a good heart, with a pure pureness, they will all go to Tim Qo Tu’s New Realm, between the 11th and the 12th Heavenly Abode. It’s the highest you can reach in the Universes. I’m very happy to tell you that. So, of course, if you are my so-called God-disciple, you will reach there.”

It’s also written in Bhagavata Purana that all celestial rulers offer reverence to Lord Kalki, the Supreme Master of the Universe. This demonstrates His status as the King of Kings in the cosmic realm, reflecting the true identity of our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai.

“O King, in the Age of Kali people’s intelligence will be diverted by atheism, and they will almost never offer sacrifice to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the Supreme Spiritual Master of the Universe. Although the great personalities who control the three worlds all bow down to the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, the petty and miserable human beings of this age will not do so.”

“There are many Kings of different fields, different missions. They all came to me one day, because I was called ‘King of Kings of Kings of Kings.’ That also means King of all the past Kings, and King of the present Kings, and King of all the future Kings.”

Furthermore, the Hindu text Kalki Purana describes the radiant beauty of Lord Kalki, who is adorned with bright colorful jewelry, flowers, and rainbow-like clothes. By looking at Him, one is reminded of the magnificence of the Divine. Such a beautiful appearance has often been assumed by Supreme Master Ching Hai over the years when She’s in public, embodying the glory of our Heavenly Home.

“His head was adorned with a brightly shining crown that resembled the Sun. The beauty of His face was enhanced by His earrings, which were as brilliant as the Sun. His lotus-like face appeared to blossom as He sweetly smiled while speaking. Everyone surrounding Him was favored by His merciful glance. Lotus flowers adorning His chest appeared more delightful because of the rays of the moonstone that shown on His beautiful necklace…” “…His garments appeared like a rainbow, thus further increasing His beauty. His entire body shone brilliantly due to the Light reflected from countless jewels. This is how all the demigods, Gandharvas (Heavenly beings), and Apsaras (fairies) saw Lord Kalki.” ETC…

In 1995, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s creative fashion designs were presented to the world through a fashion show tour in several major cities.

“Every time I watch them, I feel God is with us. I feel God express Hirmself in the beautiful creatures; like humans, like men and women, like flowers, like diamonds, gold and all the beautiful things that are comforting to our souls and pleasant to our eyes. I'm just one of the contributors to express the love of God, to express the beauty from inside and make it come out. […]”

“Anyhow, we have brought the sun for you, right, tonight, the sun and the moon through these beautiful celestial beings, Godly beings. I think inside them is God, that’s why they are so beautiful. God is Beauty, Truth and Goodness. That's what we try to do in this life, to be near God, to be a representative of God. And all the things you have seen, I dedicated them to God and everything else I do as well. I just represent the good friends in our circle.”

We are eternally grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai, the incarnation of Lord Kalki, for using all means to guide humanity to attain soul liberation during the Kali Yuga age. In our next episode, we’ll travel to Central America and the adjacent regions to study their native prophecies.

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