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The Sins That Cannot Be Absorbed by Love Power and Forgiveness, Part 2 of 3, Dec. 11, 2023

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Dear God, please, they are Your children. If I could take all that and suffer for all of them, then please do it. They are all ignorant. They’re innocent. They don’t know much about Your Law, and don’t feel much of Your Love. Please, let them feel Your Love. Wake them up instead of punishing them. Punishing is horrible. And if they don’t wake up and feel Your Love in this lifetime, then soon they will not be able to for trillions or gazillions of years – You know it – until they can become any living being again, not to talk about being a human. […]

My God. What for you go to the church? Because you don’t understand anything about God’s teaching. And that priest in the church, I doubt if he even understands anything either. I don’t know what hell you came from, but you will be back there soon. We don’t live on this planet forever. But we might be in that hell forever. And this time, it’s for real. Oh, dear God, please protect the innocent victims of these evil leaders. They care not about anyone else except their own Devil[ish] intention. My God, I leave it to You to handle them. I have no more words to beg You, to pray to You, to reason with You for them or for any similar people.

I’m just praying You have pity for the innocent children, for the helpless women, and the elderly people who lost everything in war. They are helpless. Please consider them in Your Grace. Please let them live in peace. And if they have to go, please take them up to a peaceful Heaven. You have many. Please spare some for them. Amen. I love You, God. Me, my people and many good world people love You. Please accept our humble love. Because we have nothing else to offer You. Everything belongs to You anyway. Even our lives. If we can be of any more help to this world, to Your children, then please let us continue to live in peace. If not, then may You decide whatever You want to do with our lives. We love You, my Lord. Thank You. May You be everything You be. Amen.

Oh, dear God. Sometimes I feel this world is too much for me personally to continue to exist, but I’m still carrying hope to help this planet, to save people’s souls. And I do really hope that you all will U-turn; repent to God. Ask Hirm for forgiveness, ASK FORGIVENESS from the whole world and repair your damage to their people, to their country. With God’s Grace, then you may be free from hell. But might not be scot-free from other kinds of horrible worlds – like the way you create war and you make people suffer.

“Media Report from BBC News – Mar. 22, 2022, VOICE: Artem is just two and has shrapnel wounds in his stomach. His mother, father and grandparents were badly wounded. Masha, 15, has lost a leg and fractured an arm.

Doctor: Another boy, a six-year-old with shrapnel in his skull, described, without any emotion, watching his mother burn to death in their car after it was hit. He said, ‘Dad, buy me a mum, I want someone to walk me to school.’

VOICE: This man’s daughter is being treated here… But his other daughter was killed, along with his grandchild.

War Victim: I ran up to my granddaughter and I’m screaming, ‘Dominica, Dominica.’ But there she lies. I then rush to Natasha, grabbing whatever I can find, a scarf to bandage her legs. My lovely girls, I failed to protect you.”

“Media Report from ITV News – Mar. 13, 2022, Reporter: One of her children was killed last night. Cradling her surviving child, she pleads: ‘We don’t know where to run to. Who will bring back our children? Who?’”

They have to run away from their home, their country, starving, wounded, maimed and handicapped, losing family, friends – all that, you will experience in another world, if not in this world. And you’ll be forever terrified; running, but nowhere to go. You will experience everything that you have caused in the war for other beings, for other people. You will experience all that – alone – no one to help you, no one to comfort you. The only ones who are with you are those who chase you, who terrify you, who hurt you, who harm you, who make you feel extremely, extremely scared, horrified, fearful. But you won’t die, you can’t hide even, and it will be non-stop. Just to think about that… Oh my God, I wish you’d know some of it. I wish that when you sleep, God gives you some vision, some dream to awaken you, to let you know that the consequences of what you have been doing to people, their houses, or to animal-people, to trees, and to the Earth. The monstrous “harvest” is immense, immense, immense.

Similar to the butchers and the animal-people industrial factory owners and workers. You will be treated exactly like the way you’re treating the animal-people in your slaughterhouse, in your factory. But it will just continue forever. That’s the only difference. A lesser degree of (similar) fate awaits animal-people abusers, like in lab testing, eaters of animal-people products, etc… In hell – it will be non-stop day and night. The way you treated the animal-people, you will be treated exactly like that. It’s just forever, forever – in hell. And don’t say I am not warning you.

I’m not warning you. I’m just telling you the truth in case you have ears to listen. Please kneel down now, repent all your misdeeds – turn around, make up for it. Do something else for your living. There are many other jobs to do. No need to kill to live. As you sow, so shall you reap. The law of the physical universe is exact. Just turn around, run away from it – then you can be saved. As if you’re going wrongly to the north and you realize that you need to go to the south – just turn around. Then whatever happens in the north will not affect you. Turn around, run away from sins. Repent, do good deeds, pray to God for forgiveness. And don’t do bad again. That’s all you need to do. Be Vegan, Make Peace, all of you. Please. And ask God to forgive you.

You could never escape in the life after. If they don’t catch you already in this lifetime, charge you in court and lock you in a jail cell, then you will experience all that – worse than that – in the life after. I have no reason to lie to you. I’m in a safe place myself, even though you have spies all over. But God protects me. I’m just saying this for the sake of the victims who suffer so much in your wickedness and war – war with humans or and war with helpless animal-people.

Oh, dear God, I know You want to destroy this planet. But please, there are many good people. Not all of them are warmongers or bad. And even the fighters, the soldiers in the war, none of them want it. They just are coerced into doing it. They had to. They joined the army in peacetime, and they never thought that they would have to go to war. Even though they might think it’s possible, but it’s such a fleeting thinking until they experience the horrible reality of the bloody, murderous war themselves.

“Media Report from CBC News - Sept. 12, 2022, Correspondent: This was the moment Pavel Filatyev cut ties with Russia: Tearing up his military ID and Russian passport, flushing them down a toilet in an airport bathroom in Paris. A few weeks later, this former paratrooper met with us to tell his story and share his disgust with the military; he’s risking everything to expose.

Pavel Filatyev: I kept thinking obsessively that literally if I survived, I would do everything to stop it, to change something.

Correspondent: Filatyev was part of a military regiment that invaded Kherson, Ukraine, in the early hours of February 24. But even just a day before the equipment rolled in, he said soldiers were being misled about why they were there.

Pavel Filatyev: Our regiment commander made us line up and said, ‘Stop spreading gossip. Stop calling home talking nonsense. I’m telling you, there are three more days of training, and then you’ll all be home.’

Correspondent: He said he only realized Russia was attacking Ukraine after an order came down for his unit to destroy a bridge. In a manifesto, he later posted to social media, he described the disarray on the battlefield. A Russian military equipped with ‘patriotism… instead of good training, support, and modern technology.’ He wrote, ‘Some soldiers began to shoot themselves… to get [the government money] and get out of this hell.’

Pavel Filatyev: But I say this, Russia has now been captured by some kind of mafia.”

“Media Report from UATV English – Mar. 2, 2022, Captive Russian Soldiers: We were not told anything but ‘March forward.’ The commander just told [us], ‘You are going there.’ We were going in a column. When we started to cross the border, I asked the commander, ‘Why are we doing this?’ He answered me to shut up. I didn’t know that I was going to Ukraine. They deceived me. We were told that we would go there and come back. They told us we would go into the fields, set up tents and live there. We didn’t ride deep into Ukraine when we were hit. My car blew up and I was pushed out of it with the explosion waves. We became captives in the town. We didn’t shoot back. We became captives in the town. We didn’t shoot back. We laid down our weapons at once.

We were deceived and sent to war like cannon fodder. I didn’t think that I would have to kill someone. I knew nothing. I was afraid. We are being sent to war like cannon fodder. Everyone gets shot at once. We were going in a column and almost everyone in it died. I didn’t want to fight, I wanted to live. I will say that the Ukrainian military are nice guys. They did not hit me and gave me food. [War] for what? Everywhere here live peaceful people and no one wants war. No one attacked Russia and I don’t understand what they want from this war.”

Dear God, please, they are Your children. If I could take all that and suffer for all of them, then please do it. They are all ignorant. They’re innocent. They don’t know much about Your Law, and don’t feel much of Your Love. Please, let them feel Your Love. Wake them up instead of punishing them. Punishing is horrible. And if they don’t wake up and feel Your Love in this lifetime, then soon they will not be able to for trillions or gazillions of years – You know it – until they can become any living being again, not to talk about being a human. That will take longer. They don’t know human life is so precious. They don’t really know how horrible hell is. They don’t have time to think and to feel Your Love. Please have Mercy. They are just too deluded, too busily into this life and death game of this illusiona[ry] world.

They don’t forget You on purpose, my Lord. Please, believe me. They were just made too blind, deaf and dumb; too busy with any little things to survive, and sometimes even cannot survive. Please have Mercy, God. Here is not in Heaven. Nothing here is easy for all beings to stay alive, safe and well. Even people who are rich and healthy don’t know how to conduct their life, they go out and die easily – by car accident, by boat sinking, by airplane exploding, just like that – You saw it on TV. Do You watch TV, my Lord? We have sampled many of these troubled world incidents to show them to people, hoping to wake them up. I’m sorry, I forgot. You don’t need TV. You know everything. You are omniscient, omnipresent.

How can I sleep and eat well with all this going on to the poor humans and animal-people? They might have good intentions, my Lord, but they can’t act them out because life just imprisoned them in endless, endless wheels of suffering, pain, retribution, and survival. By survival, I mean needs. It’s very difficult for them to wake up and remember You. I have been trying hard all these decades to try to remind them, do whatever I can. But I just feel so frustrated. So many times, I feel helpless. I feel this world is getting more and more like hell. Some parts are hell already. I don’t know how You bless me so much that I do not collapse with all this suffering that I witness, that I am not broken down with all the pain I feel from humans, animal-people, trees, and so on, just as if their pains are mine!

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