Bahasa Melayu

The Holy Laws: From The Essene Humane Gospel of Christ, Part 2 of 2

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Let us continue with selections from The Essene Humane Gospel of Christ, where Lord Jesus (vegetarian) reiterates the Holy Humane Laws.

“And Jesus said unto them, ‘Behold, anew I give unto you, The Law, which is not new but from old. Even as Moses gave the law to Israel after the flesh, so also, I give unto you The Law for the Kingdom of Israel after the Spirit. For who are the Israel of God? Even they of every nation and tribe who work righteousness, love, mercy and keep my commandments, these are the true Israel of God.’

‘Ye shall love thy God with all your understanding of the Holy Law. Ye shall love thy neighbor as yourself, even as The Law instructs. Ye shall not take away the life of any creature for your pleasure, nor for your profit, nor yet torment it. Ye shall not steal the goods of any, nor gather lands and riches to yourselves, beyond your need or use. Ye shall not eat the flesh, nor drink the blood of any slaughtered creature, nor yet anything which brings disorder to your health or senses.’”

“‘Ye shall cherish and protect the weak, and those who are oppressed, and all creatures that suffer wrong. Ye shall work with your hands the things that are good and seemly; so, shall ye eat the fruits of the Earth, and live long in the land.’”
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