
神智学の聖なる教えより 東方の宝石 戒律と原理の誕生書 全2回の前編

He who casts off all desires, living free from attachments, and free from egoism, obtains bliss. Wise men are light-bringers. A just life, a religious life, this is the best gem. Having tested the sweetness of illusion and tranquility, one becomes free from fear, and free from sin, drinking in the sweetness of Dhamma (law). Cherish the road of peace. As the bee collects nectar, and departs without injuring the flower, or its color or scent, so let a Sage dwell in his village. That man alone is wise, who keeps the mastery of himself. Seek refuge in thy soul; have there thy Heaven! All our dignity consists in thought, therefore let us contrive to think well; for that is the principle of morals.
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