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Let’s continue with Mr. Tan’s story of his journey to the United States and the opening of his VeganBurg store there. “I went into the U.S. market with the affirmation of all my reviews and testimonials from the rock star, Chrissie Hynde, who endorsed me so willingly. And our reviews were so good back in Singapore.” Mr. Tan soon realized that business in Singapore differs vastly from the USA, starting with the taste preferences of the customers. “I had to really spend almost two years, being the restaurant manager, really cooking on the grill and working on the recipe, working on the equipment to just perfect the ultimate burger recipe.” “The ultimate vision for VeganBurg is to build the burger of the new generation for my daughter and her generation, right? To build the burger of the new generation, so as to inspire and excite the world to choose a plant-based diet as a form of sustainable living.”Undeterred by experts, Mr. Tan persevered with his brand name, standing by what the word vegan represents. “In Asia, probably it takes some time for people to be receptive, but actually, in the West, especially in the UK or in Europe, people are already very receptive to the word vegan. When they see vegan, they will support, they will buy in, and in Asia, it takes some time, but I feel eventually we'll get there, so I think persevering with the vegan brand name and just getting it associated with the world is so important, and vegan is the solution.”In closing, Mr. Tan shares with us his encouragement for adopting the compassionate vegan diet not only for our health but for the future of our planet’s sustainability. “To me, veganism, it's the gift – it's the solution to the world. Take the first step, try Meat Free Monday. I think the vegan diet these days is really delicious, and amazing looking as well. And you will feel totally normal. Just take the first bite, and let your body decide and let your soul guide you along.”