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The famous indigenous prophecy of the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle, but in another interpretation, the Eagle and Condor represent the two different paths that the human race has taken over history: The Eagle represents the path of the mind, of the industrial, of science and technology; whereas the Condor represents the path of the heart, intuition, and connection with nature. The time has come for the Condor and Eagle to join to create a new offspring: a higher human consciousness that balances heart and mind. Chief Phil Lane Jr. elaborates on the importance of this balance: "They're spiritual solutions." "To love and have compassion" is humanity's purpose now, and as Chief Lane tells us, this must be extended to our diet and treatment toward animals. "Our prophecies are very clear that as we spiritually unfold and transformation evolves in this next stage of our human growth and development, that we will leave behind the eating of meat."