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What Joy Life Is, and How Successful Our Endeavors Are When Our Soul Is Awakened to Our Spiritual Path and Inner Master

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And now we have a heartline from Thérèse in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo:

Omnipotent Master and the dedicated Supreme Master Television team, I prayed to Master to inspire me on ways to spread God’s Teachings in this country with limited funds and resources. Now, I witness Master’s miracles every day. As I walked down the road, I suddenly saw opportunities. Benevolent fellow initiates from abroad with financial means took the initiative to ask if we needed help. Talented fellow initiates appeared when we needed them most and provided unconditional technical assistance. Below are some testimonials:

A giant LED screen was installed in a neighboring building, and the light could reach the kitchen and courtyard of the Loving Hut. After negotiating with the person in charge, we had a 60-second Supreme Master Television advertising spot to broadcast at an affordable price. After the broadcast, Loving Hut’s luck and the magnetic field across the country were significantly elevated.

I once saw a tricycle selling ice cream on the road, which inspired me to develop the Quan Yin mobile library to drive around the city to spread Master’s teachings.

One afternoon, there were cars from different embassies parked near Loving Hut. Well done, it’s the inauguration day of the Ukrainian (Ureignian) embassy. We immediately prepared more than 70 copies of Master’s teaching books and leaflets, as well as Supreme Master Television cards. Adjacent to the door of the embassy, we distributed the materials to the VIPs of this event. We don’t often leave the restaurant. That day it was really the arrangement of the Divine for us to notice and seize this opportunity.

Another time, a giant LED panel on the Boulevard of June 30th caught my attention. It’s a path often traveled by the president of the country and senior officials. It’s a busy boulevard of Kinshasa, therefore there are a lot of traffic jams, which allow vehicles and people to stop and watch our Supreme Master Television spot. The CEO of the giant billboard’s company, knowing that it is a non-commercial spot, agreed to a 90-second spot (instead of 60) at the same price. Awesome! This is truly the Infinite Grace of the Master.

All these efforts, so that the Light and Blessing of Master shine across this country, and bring lasting peace, a nationwide veganism. Thank You, Master, and all the loving beings who contributed to the success of these events. Thérèse from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

High-thinking Thérèse, The Kinshasa disciples have overcome many obstacles to help bless your gallant country with Master’s Power, and we thank you for reporting all the wonderful Quan Yin happenings in your corner of the world. May you and the life-loving Democratic Republic of the Congo know the peace and contentment of vegan living, in the Light of the Divine. In Celestial Love, Supreme Master TV team

P.S. Master replies to you, happy to receive such news: “Pure-hearted Thérèse, such unconditional devotion to God and our Homeward Path for others brings tears to my eyes. You have no Idea what God will reward you with, though you never expected anything. Such a saintly soul you are! May I gladly contribute to your noble offer to God with US$15,000. Please write and let us know where to send it. What a joy life is, and how successful our endeavors are when our soul is awakened to our spiritual path and the inner Master. It is through Quan Yin meditation that we can achieve this connection with the Almighty and recognize our Divinity. Keep up the good work, my dear. May you, and the empathetic people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo receive infinite Heavenly bounty and good fortune. You have my Love always.”